We are broken people living in a broken world with other broken people. We all need grace.
Tullian TchividjianWhen I was 25, I believed I could change the world. At 41, I have come to the realization that I cannot change my wife, my church, or my kids, to say nothing of the world. Try as I might, I have not been able to manufacture outcomes the way I thought I could, either in my own life or other people's.
Tullian TchividjianContrary to what we conclude naturally, the gospel is not too good to be true. It is true! Its the truest truth in the entire universe. No strings attached! No fine print to read. No buts. No conditions. No qualifications. No footnotes. And especially, no need for balance.
Tullian TchividjianIf your theological convictions are not producing a deeper love for others, then it's time to rethink some stuff.
Tullian Tchividjian