The deepest cry of the human heart is to be loved without condition, no matter what. The gospel of grace announces that you are.
Tullian TchividjianDeath is the operative device that sets us free in Christ - when we die, we truly live.
Tullian TchividjianWhen I was 25, I believed I could change the world. At 41, I have come to the realization that I cannot change my wife, my church, or my kids, to say nothing of the world. Try as I might, I have not been able to manufacture outcomes the way I thought I could, either in my own life or other people's.
Tullian TchividjianGrace frees you to be honest about what you've always known to be true about yourself: that you're weaker & more afraid than you want to be.
Tullian Tchividjian