I do believe in the myth of San Francisco and there is a force, a magical kind of thing there. That feeling of like, I've never been to another place like it. It doesn't even feel Californian. Even how it's laid out physically, it's very strange. Like, the weather patterns don't make sense. They do scientifically, but in a practical way it doesn't make any sense. And that weirdness, it really creates some weird thing in the air. But it is you know, on a practical level, it's very expensive, and it's a very business-oriented place, too, and there's a lot of that stuff going on.
Ty SegallI'm a pretty young person, but I think you need a little life experience to actually say something.
Ty SegallThere's nothing harder than making a mellow, clean record. It's really scary. I can see why people would never want to do it.
Ty Segall