The right wing will be identified with the monied class, even when the left often has more money. And the left wing will be identified as the whiners, even though the right at times whines as much or more. You might say that both sides are monied, high human capital whiners, on the whole.
Tyler CowenUnintended Consequences is full of substance, it is one of the must-read books of the year, and once I finish it I will be giving it a second read through right away.
Tyler CowenReal cultural diversity results from the interchange of ideas, products, and influences, not from the insular development of a single national style.
Tyler CowenThe lesson about food is that the most predictable and the most orderly outcomes are always not the best. They are just easier to describe. Fads are orderly. Food carts and fires aren't. Feeding the world could be a delicious mess, full of diverse flavors and sometimes good old-fashioned smoke.
Tyler CowenEconomics is sometimes associated with the study and defense of selfishness and material inequality, but it has an egalitarian and civil libertarian core that should be celebrated.
Tyler Cowen