Quit thinking about what Bobby Lee's gonna do to us and start thinking about what we're going to do to him.
Ulysses S. GrantA military life had no charms for me, and I had not the faintest idea of staying in the army even if I should be graduated, which I did not expect.
Ulysses S. GrantThere never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword.
Ulysses S. GrantBut my later experience has taught me two lessons: first, that things are seen plainer after the events have occurred; second, that the most confident critics are generally those who know the least about the matter criticised.
Ulysses S. GrantEncourage free schools and resolve that not one dollar appropriated for their support shall be appropriated to the support of any sectarian schools. Resolve that neither the state nor nation, nor both combined, shall support institutions of learning other than those sufficient to afford every child growing up in the land of opportunity of a good common school education, unmixed with sectarian, pagan, or atheistical dogmas. Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church and the private school supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.
Ulysses S. Grant