All day long this man would toil thus, his whole being centered upon the purpose of making twenty-three instead of twenty-two and a half cents an hour; and then his product would be reckoned up by the census taker, and jubilant captains of industry would boast of it in their banquet halls, telling how our workers are nearly twice as efficient as those of any other country. If we are the greatest nation the sun ever shone upon, it would seem to be mainly because we have been able to goad our wage-earners to this pitch of frenzy.
Upton SinclairIt is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
Upton SinclairThrough fasting. . .I have found a perfect health, a new state of existence, a feeling of purity and happiness, something unknown to humans.
Upton Sinclair