Most of the notable turn out to be the not-able. God's greatest truths still belong to babes.
Vance HavnerToo much preaching nowadays pats the back and tickles the ear, but does not get under the skin. There is no conviction and therefore no conversion. I am thinking not only of the ministry of reproof and rebuke but also of the message of inspiration, of encouragement, of comfort. People go out of church at noon with the depths unstirred, the heart untouched, the conscience unpricked.
Vance HavnerToo many Christians are stuffing themselves with gospel blessings while millions have never had a taste.
Vance HavnerThe preacher who jests and jokes with his people all week will soon find that he cannot stand in his pulpit on Sunday with power to reprove, rebuke and exhort. He may be the life of the party but it will be the death of the prophet.
Vance Havner