Most of the notable turn out to be the not-able. God's greatest truths still belong to babes.
Vance HavnerTo build character of purpose and integrity is our high mark, and that cannot be done in a world where there are no adverse elements.
Vance HavnerA mortician can make a dead man look better than he ever did when he was alive. So churches like Sardis may appear very much alive when they are dead in the sight of the Lord. God knows the difference.
Vance HavnerThere are many who say they want to be victorious Christians, but few are willing to endure the discipline necessary to make one a good solider of Jesus Christ. There is a prize to possess, but before we possess it there is a price to be paid, and few will pay it.
Vance HavnerPaul was not ignorant of Satan's devices, but we are not so wise. Among his most successful devices today are these: exalting tolerance above truth; emphasizing the head more than the heart; making size more important than sort; stressing the positive to the neglect of the negative; putting happiness above holiness; majoring on this world instead of the next.
Vance Havner