The devil is not fighting religion. Heยดs too smart for that. He is producing a counterfeit Christianity, so much like the real one that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it.
Vance HavnerOne man with a genuine experience with God is worth more than a library full of arguments.
Vance HavnerWe have always needed old people to keep things from going too fast and young people to keep them from going too slow. Youth has fire and age has light and we need both.
Vance HavnerThere is a trend today that would put a new robe on the prodigal son while he is still feeding hogs. Some would put the ring on his finger while he still in the pigsty. Others would paint the pigsty and advocate bigger and better hog pens.
Vance HavnerThe same church members who yell like Comanche Indians at a ball game on Saturday sit like wooden Indians in church on Sunday.
Vance HavnerI remember when the Titanic sank in 1912, it was the ship that was supposed to be unsinkable. The only thing it ever did was sink. When it took off from England, all kinds of passengers were aboard - millionaires, celebrities, people of moderate means, and poor folks down in the steerage. But a few hours later when they put the list in the Cunard office in New York, it carried only two categories - lost and saved. Grim tragedy had leveled all distinctions.
Vance Havner