At the same time, [princess Margaret] had a fragility and an insecurity in who she was and her position, because her sister had always got the education ever since David [Edward VIII] abdicated.
Vanessa KirbyI started to really enjoy the fact that [princess] Margaret was an exhibitionist. Even on a day-to-day basis, Margaret's costumes were always so much more dramatic and bold than Elizabeth's were.
Vanessa KirbyOnce you start [filming] you have researchers who are constantly giving you information. Ultimately it isn't about impersonating or trying to be an image of somebody and more trying to capture the spirit and the soul of the person somehow.
Vanessa Kirby[Queen Elizabeth] is just the granny queen! She's our granny queen who shakes people's hands!
Vanessa KirbyI watched tons of archive footage of princess Margaret and listened to the music she loved; that was really immersive and brilliant.
Vanessa KirbyIt was always said you couldn't have two sisters less alike. In a way [princess] Elizabeth was always internalizing everything and [princess] Margaret was always externalizing everything, so that became the basis. The storyline becomes about these two sisters: they're fighting for their position or trying to establish their identity in the world alongside each other and in relation to this establishment which only those two were a part of.
Vanessa Kirby