I remember somebody saying something to me about Frost/Nixon, when Anthony Hopkins does his famous speech, and the difference in the way Anthony did it was to dramatize, essentially, what was a documentary-style version of that speech. I remember someone saying to me, "There is artistic liberty."
Vanessa KirbyMy dad is a big extrovert - he's a doctor - but he always loved [William] Shakespeare and he took us to tons of theater.
Vanessa KirbyI watched her do speeches, but the only footage we could find of [princess] Margaret was archive footage, which was of her public presentation of herself.
Vanessa KirbyIt's this amazing combination to play, really, of somebody who's actually very fragile and hasn't really grown up properly yet - at least in a healthy environment - and has suffered immense loss with her dad - like that line where she says, [in the words of her father [King George VI], "Yes, 'Elizabeth is my pride but Margaret's my joy." She holds onto it!
Vanessa KirbyIt was always said you couldn't have two sisters less alike. In a way [princess] Elizabeth was always internalizing everything and [princess] Margaret was always externalizing everything, so that became the basis. The storyline becomes about these two sisters: they're fighting for their position or trying to establish their identity in the world alongside each other and in relation to this establishment which only those two were a part of.
Vanessa Kirby