Sometimes, you know, once you pay your taxes and once you pay your expenses, once you've lived this life, things add up quickly. And it's easy to become a statistic. And that's something I've always tried to avoid, and I've always said, hey - not that it won't be me, that, hey, it could be me.
Venus WilliamsWe're breaking records and we're moving forward. I always expected to win Grand Slams. This was meant to be.
Venus WilliamsI know it's not the most important thing for me to win the most grand slams and be remembered in this world. I certainly don't have to win satellite tournaments here there and everywhere, I don't have to win at all. Although I do want to.
Venus WilliamsYou learn so much from your parents. We grew up in a home where we were definitely taught to be confident. I definitely give me parents a lot of credit.
Venus WilliamsIf you give me a short shot I will attack you. I'm not a baseliner who rallies. I try to get the point over with.
Venus Williams