Here is where I like to burst in as a writer, to take one strong sensory detail or image and instead of enhancing it or directing attention to it by shouting about it, I simply take it away.
Vera NazarianWe don't need fantasy to mess with our minds to the point of rendering us insane - real life horrors do that already.
Vera NazarianUse this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!
Vera NazarianHowever I will never forget what Marion [Zimmer Bradley] did for me by accepting that first story from a stupid enthusiastic kid.
Vera NazarianWe often engage the defense mechanism of tunnel vision, just to keep ourselves focused on our daily lives. This makes us terribly jaded in our perception of what is really around us.
Vera NazarianIt is right here, all of it, here for the taking, right before our eyes - happiness, fulfillment, hope, peace, justice. And most of all, there is truth, ordinary and simple, just sitting there to be plucked, if only we get our lazy rear ends off the pillow of complacency. But first, we need to open our eyes to this banal fact. And for that we need a periodic bit of shakeup in the form of an infusion of wonder - fantastic literature.
Vera Nazarian