Imagine a different world, one in which people do not spend an inordinate amount of energy fuming against their fate each time they make a mistake. ... though we all agree that to err is human, each of us individually believes that he or she is the exception. ... Make a mistake? Not on my watch!
Veronique VienneThe only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.
Veronique VienneEnlightenment is just another word for feeling comfortable with being a completely ordinary person.
Veronique VienneImagine a different world, one in which people do not spend an inordinate amount of energy fuming against their fate each time they make a mistake. ... though we all agree that to err is human, each of us individually believes that he or she is the exception. ... Make a mistake? Not on my watch!
Veronique Vienne