One of the charges made against me is that I lived in the same house with my former husband, Dr. Woodhull, and my present husband, Col. Blood. The fact is a fact.
Victoria WoodhullI shall not change my course because those who assume to be better than I desire it.
Victoria WoodhullThe wife who submits to sexual intercourse against her wishes or desires, virtually commits suicide; while the husband who compels it, commits murder.
Victoria WoodhullI offer you the remedy of Free Love as an antidote for enforced lust, and the world will have to take it before the disease can be cured.
Victoria WoodhullIt must always be remembered that you can never do right until you are first free to do wrong; since the doing of a thing under compulsion is evidence neither of good nor bad intent; and if under compulsion, who shall decide what would be the substituted rule of action under full freedom?
Victoria Woodhull