Good care is taken that each state shall have its prisons . . . and other asylums; but not one building is erected nor one law enforced that would teach the people how not to contribute to these over-crowded receptacles of human misery . . . . All of our politicians are ready to deal with the effects, but not one of them is brave enough to penetrate the substratum of society and deal with the cause.
Victoria WoodhullEvery woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child nor think of murdering one before its birth.
Victoria WoodhullSo after all I am a very promiscuous free lover. I want the love of you all, promiscuously.
Victoria WoodhullI went with my husband and an innocent child to California. I went to a theatrical manager and asked him to allow me to earn money enough on the stage to buy our tickets home. He did.
Victoria WoodhullI believe in Spiritualism; I advocate free love in the highest, purest sense, as the only cure for the damnation by which men corrupt God's most holy institution of sexual relations.
Victoria Woodhull