If you need to strap a camera to you or get in a small space, then it makes sense to use digital.I do think it is possible to use a digital camera artistically, but it can only be good if you are using film technique. Film has grain, and digital has pixels, and there is not that much of a difference, but digital does not replace the need to create a scene and light it properly and spend time considering the shot.
Vilmos ZsigmondWhen I was in Hungary in December I was looking at student films and I could not tell which ones were shot on film and which ones were shot digitally. I think that is because the filmmakers in Europe go to four years of film school and learn the techniques.
Vilmos ZsigmondI love to make movies about young people - young scientists that are inventing things and all the writing they did was very funny and very true.
Vilmos ZsigmondI hope that film is going to stay as an artform and that people won't forget that there are good movies also to be made.
Vilmos Zsigmond