The children of our Lord walk gladly in his ways; they have confidence in him, and so when they fall, they rise again; and if, instead of stopping to grumble about the stone they have tripped over, they humble themselves at their fall, this helps them to advance with great strides in his love.
Vincent de PaulGood works are often spoiled by moving too quickly. . . . The good which God desires is accomplished almost by itself, without our even thinking of it.
Vincent de Paul[A] truly humble spirit humbles itself as much amid honors as amid insults, acting like the honeybee which makes its honey equally as well from the dew that falls on the wormwood as from that which falls on the rose.
Vincent de Paul...Seek counsel of very pious, disinterested persons, and follow the call of O[ur] L[ord] and the advice of those persons.
Vincent de PaulWe should spend as much time in thanking God for his benefits as we do in asking him for them.
Vincent de Paul