When in Rome, you must do as the Romans do and accept the local customs, if they are not immoral.
Vincent de PaulGod's affairs are accomplished gradually and almost imperceptibly and His spirit is neither violent nor tempestuous.
Vincent de Paul[I]f the gentleness of your spirit needs a dash of vinegar, borrow a little from Our Lord's spirit. O Mademoiselle, how well He knew how to find a bittersweet remark when it is needed!
Vincent de PaulI see that you are not sure of what you should do. You must remain steadfast, Monsieur. It would be a great wrong for you to leave and an irreparable scandal to the town and the Company. If you were to abandon the house, I do not think people would ever be willing to welcome us back. Fear not; calm will follow the storm, and perhaps soon.
Vincent de Paul