It seems to me that the best way will be the one that is most gentle and forbearing, which is more in conformity with the Spirit of Our Lord and more apt to win hearts.
Vincent de Paul[L]et us believe that all is going along the best in the world when we take no satisfaction in it, provided we humble ourselves for this and redouble our confidence in God.
Vincent de PaulScorn both these evil suggestions and the wickedness of their author, who is the devil. Be very cheerful and humble yourself as much as you can. Ordinarily, God allows these things to happen to free us from some hidden pride and to engender in us holy humility.
Vincent de Paul[N]or should you move so fast! The works of God do not proceed in that way; they come about of themselves, and those He does not create soon perish.
Vincent de PaulThere are some persons who are content with everything and others who are scarcely content with anything. These latter need patience to bear with themselves.
Vincent de PaulYou know that you yourself are not always in the same state. If you are exact today, closely united to God, and a consolation to the whole house, tomorrow you will be out of sorts, indolent, and a source of affliction to others. Then you will need their support, as you have supported them.
Vincent de Paul