Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come to you from within and without.
Vincent de PaulThe angels would become incarnate if they could, so that they might come to earth to imitate the example and virtues of the Son of God!
Vincent de PaulI have made to God the offering you made to me of your heart and have asked him to unite mine with yours in that of Our Lord.
Vincent de PaulIn a word, we owe obedience to the bishops in all things pertaining to our work in the missions, with ordinands, etc., but the spiritual and internal direction belongs to the Superior General.
Vincent de PaulIn the name of Our Lord, Monsieur, do all you can to regain your health and take good care of it so that you can serve God and the poor for a longer time. This moderate care does not preclude the obligation we have of generously risking our lives when the salvation of our neighbor is concerned.
Vincent de Paul