All revolutions are spiritual at the source. All my activities have the sole purpose of achieving a union of hearts.
Vinoba BhaveIf we could only snap the fetters of the body that bind the feet of the soul, we shall experience a great joy. Then we shall not be miserable because of the body's sufferings. We shall become free.
Vinoba BhaveIn this world of chance and change and mutability, the fulfillment of any resolve depends on the will of the Lord.
Vinoba BhaveHuman life is full of the play of samskaras - tendencies developed by repeated actions.
Vinoba BhaveThe river flows at its own sweet will, but the flood is bound in the two banks. If it were not thus bound, its freedom would be wasted.
Vinoba BhaveI am convinced that those who get themselves involved in the machinery of power politics, even for the purpose of destroying it, are bound to fail in their purpose. To destroy it we have to stay out of it. If we want to cut down a tree, it is of no use to climb into its branches. The desire to keep contact with something, even to destroy it, is a subtle and insidious illusion.
Vinoba Bhave