Love, how often that word came up in books over and over again. If you had wealth and health, and beauty and had nothing if you didn't have love. Love changed all that was ordinary into something giddy, powerful, drunken, enchanted.
Virginia C. AndrewsWe lived in the attic, Christopher, Cory, Carrie, and me, Now there are only three.
Virginia C. Andrews...for everything can come to those who have the desire,the drive, the dedication, and the determination." v.c.andrews
Virginia C. AndrewsAfter it's all over, the early childhood, a chain of birthdays woven with candlelight, piles of presents, voices of relatives singing and praising your promise and future, after the years of schooling, fitting yourself into different size desks, memorizing, reciting, reporting, and performing for jury after jury of teachers, counselors, and administrators, you still feel inadequate, alone, vulnerable, and naked in a world that can be unforgiving and terribly demanding.
Virginia C. Andrews