To pursue truth with such astonishing lack of consideration for other people's feelings, to rend the thin veils of civilisation so wantonly, so brutally, was to her so horrible an outrage of human decency that, without replying, dazed and blinded, she bend her head as if to let her pelt f jagged hail, the drench of dirty water, bespatter her unrebuked.
Virginia WoolfUnless you catch ideas on the wing and nail them down, you will soon cease to have any.
Virginia WoolfThe truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity.
Virginia WoolfI detest the masculine point of view. I am bored by his heroism, virtue, and honour. I think the best these men can do is not talk about themselves anymore.
Virginia Woolf