The acme of humbleness is to forget unfalteringly good deeds of oneself.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich AntonovSome important ideas from the book of early Christians which is called Philokalia: From Spiritual Directions of Diadochus of Photiki The acme of faith is... immersion of the mind in God. The acme of freedom from wealth is to desire to be possessionless even as others desire to possess. The acme of humbleness is to forget unfalteringly good deeds of oneself. The acme of love is to enhance your friendly attitude to those who insult and revile you.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich AntonovThe acme of love is to enhance your friendly attitude to those who insult and revile you.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich AntonovIf you want to conquer pride, do not say that your deed was done by your hands and might; say that with God's help and guidance it was done, not by my power and efforts.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antonov... Do not let the deeds and thoughts of other people confuse you; let them not prompt you to do or say anything evil!
Vladimir Aleksandrovich AntonovThe one who wants to love God has to take care about the purity of the soul, first of all. This purity is attained through conquering the passions. (The one who has not conquered the passions cannot enter) the chaste and pure region of the heart. Do not hate a sinner, for we all are to be resยญponยญsible.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antonov