It is well known that Russia has many interesting and promising developments in the military-technical sphere. We are ready to deliver the needed equipment and ready for joint cooperation in arms production with Brazilian specialists. This is an area that is very closely linked to high technology in general. In this respect, we hope to develop closer cooperation between the scientific communities in our two countries.
Vladimir PutinRussia is probably one of the first countries to have been confronted with this problem of terrorism. It took some time before the international community realised the danger terrorism poses.
Vladimir PutinThe sanctions may be imposed only by the decision of the UN Security Council. A unilateral imposition of sanctions is a violation of international law.
Vladimir PutinI stress that we unambiguously support strengthening the non-proliferation regime, without any exceptions, on the basis of international law.
Vladimir PutinRussia will not soon become, if it ever becomes, a second copy of the United States or England - where liberal value have deep historic roots.
Vladimir PutinI insist that people - wherever they live - have their rights and they must be able to fight for them.
Vladimir PutinThe Far East is of particular significance for us in terms of this region's priority development. Over the last few years, let us say even over the last decades, we were faced with many problems here. We paid little attention to this territory although it deserves a lot more of it, because it concentrates great wealth as well as opportunities for Russia's future development.
Vladimir Putin