To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.
Vladimir PutinI believe it is no secret that I like Japan very much - Japanese culture, sport, including judo, but it will not offend anyone if I say that I like Russia even more.
Vladimir PutinPresidents come and go, and even parties come to and away from power. But the main policy tack does not change.
Vladimir PutinThe goal we have set for ourselves, which is to diversify our cooperation with China, is making progress.
Vladimir PutinIt is not what your supporters, friends or your political adversaries call you that matters. What is important is what you think you must do in the interests of the country, which put you in such position, such post as the Head of the Russian State.
Vladimir PutinChanging things is not easy, and I say this without any irony. It is not that someone does not want to, but because it is a hard thing to do. Take Obama, a forward-thinking man, a liberal, a democrat. Did he not pledge to shut down Guantanamo before his election? But did he do it? No, he did not. And may I ask why not? Did he not want to do it? He wanted to, I am sure he did, but it did not work out. He sincerely wanted to do it, but did not succeed, since it turned out to be very complicated.
Vladimir Putin