The annexation of Crimea did undermine Ukraine to some extent, but less than it did Russia; this is a case in which the victim wins. Ukraine got rid of a region that requires massive subsidies and received international sympathy; meanwhile, Russia bit off this chunk it can't chew.
Vladimir VoinovichMost people consume information passively-whatever they're being fed. They're being fed Russian television, which tells them that in the 90s there was a terrible catastrophe, that before that life had been all right, and then when Putin came many people say, "I've never lived as well as I'm living under Putin." That's true-there has never been such a level of affluence. But now, it looks like people will have to tighten their belts, and some are already having doubts.
Vladimir VoinovichWhen the regime changed in Japan, the Japanese changed; Russians too can change, as long as the conditions for it are present once again. Today, we are on the verge of a very uncertain situation when either everything will end in catastrophe, or better people will come to power.
Vladimir VoinovichI think that right now the West understands Russia better than before and feels a much greater wariness toward it. I think that, if anything, Russia's sinister nature is exaggerated, in that most contemporary analysts in the West can't even imagine that Russia could be different. I think it can, with a different turn of events.
Vladimir VoinovichAt this point, I don't care much where I live. I don't feel as attached to Russia's native woods as I was once. I used to dearly love Moscow, even though I wasn't born there; but now, it's changed so much that it's a strange city for me. I had a bond with my friends, but most of them are gone; I haven't made new ones, and the ones that I do have are mostly in Germany and in America.
Vladimir Voinovich