Now, now my good man, this is no time to be making enemies." (Voltaire on his deathbed in response to a priest asking him that he renounce Satan.)
VoltaireIf you have two religions in your land, the two will cut each otherโs throats; but if you have thirty religions, they will dwell in peace
VoltaireIn every province, the chief occupations, in order of importance, are lovemaking, malicious gossip, and talking nonsense.
VoltaireThere are barbarians who seize this dog, who so prodigiously surpasses man in friendship, and nail him down to a table, and dissect him alive to show you the mezaraic veins... Answer me, Machinist, has Nature really arranged all the springs of feeling in this animal to the end that he might not feel? Has he nerves that he may be incapable of suffering?