"I have no more than twenty acres of ground," he replied, "the whole of which I cultivate myself with the help of my children; and our labor keeps off from us the three great evils - boredom, vice, and want."
VoltaireWhy, since we are always complaining of our ills, are we constantly employed in redoubling them?
VoltaireIt has taken seas of blood to drown the idol of despotism, but the English do not think they bought their laws too dearly.
VoltaireOur character is composed of our ideas and our feelings: and, since it has been proved that we give ourselves neither feelings nor ideas, our character does not depend on us. If it did depend on us, there is nobody who would not be perfect. If one does not reflect, one thinks oneself master of everything; but when one does reflect, one realizes that one is master of nothing