What! Have you no monks to teach, to dispute, to govern, to intrigue and to burn people who do not agree with them?
VoltaireI am a little deaf, a little blind, a little important and on top of this are two or three abominable infirmities, but nothing destroys my hope.
VoltaireI also know that we must cultivate our garden. For when man was put in the Garden of Eden, he was put there ut operaretur eum, to work; which proves that man was not born for rest.
VoltaireThe policy of man consists, at first, in endeavoring to arrive at a state equal to that of animals, whom nature has furnished with food, clothing, and shelter.
VoltaireI have been a hundred times on the point of killing myself, but still was fond of life. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our worst instincts. What can be more absurd than choosing to carry a burden that one really wants to throw to the ground? To detest, and yet to strive to preserve our existence? To caress the serpent that devours us, and hug him close to our bosoms till he has gnawed into our hearts?