My intuition told me that it was the grass that was important.Now it glows parrot-green, cool as mint, soft as moss, lying there like a cashmere blanket.
W. P. KinsellaDiscovered W. Somerset Maugham in about 5th grade. Didn't understand the plots, but loved the descriptions.
W. P. KinsellaI lost my wife Barbara to cancer few years ago. I would give whatever time I have left to spend one more day with her.
W. P. KinsellaI was lucky to get one good adaptation. Field of Dreams the Musical is lurking in the wings. Hope it will provide my daughters with a ton of money someday.
W. P. KinsellaBaseball is the most perfect of games, solid, true, pure and precious as diamonds. If only life were so simple. Within the baselines anything can happen. Tides can reverse; oceans can open. That's why they say, "the game is never over until the last man is out." Colors can change, lives can alter, anything is possible in this gentle, flawless, loving game.
W. P. Kinsella