Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.
W. Somerset MaughamLife is really very fantastic, and one has to have a peculiar sense of humour to see the fun of it. [Virtue]
W. Somerset MaughamThe tragedy of love is not death or separation. How long do you think it would have been before one or other of them ceased to care? Oh, it is dreadfully bitter to look at a woman whom you have loved with all your heart and soul, so that you felt you could not bear to let her out of your sight, and realize that you would not mind if you never saw her again. The tragedy of love is indifference.
W. Somerset Maughamif you'd ever had a grown-up daughter you'd know that by comparison a bucking steer is easy to manage. And as to knowing what goes on inside her - well, it's much better to pretend you're the simple, innocent old fool she almost certainly takes you for.
W. Somerset Maugham