Fortunately for the human race, pain, however piercing, is not a lasting emotion. The recollection of happiness lingers, but the consciousness never retains for long the first thrust of tragic loss. The details of daily life crowd in upon the mind.
Wallis SimpsonI was a long time learning that wisdom and experience are things apart; that to taste life is not to be confused with understanding what life is really all about.
Wallis SimpsonThere is a peacefulness, an air of reflection, about a rocking-chair that attaches to no other moving object.
Wallis SimpsonA woman's life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience.
Wallis SimpsonAll this was mine; but I was a long time learning that wisdom and experience are things apart; that to taste life is not to be confused with understanding what life is really all about. The shared experiences, the wisdom so freely proffered by others, in words and in example, rarely swayed me for long. Came another day and the import was gone, and only the echo of the laughter remained. Experience was a revolving sun in the warmth of which I was content to bask.
Wallis Simpson