Those who sign on and depart the system of anxious scarcity become the historymakers in the neighborhood.
Walter BrueggemannThe deep places in our lives - places of resistance and embrace - are reached only by stories, by images, metaphors and phrases that line out the world differently, apart from our fear and hurt.
Walter BrueggemannPersonal voice- prophesy- disrupts the state of communal numbness in which most of us exist.
Walter BrueggemannThe world for which you have been so carefully prepared is being taken away from you, by the grace of God.
Walter BrueggemannWhile the Passover narrative [in Exodus] energizes Israel's imagination toward justice, Israel's hard work of implementation of that imaginative scenario was done at Mt. Sinai. . . . Moses' difficult work at Sinai is to transform the narrative vision of the Exodus into a sustainable social practice that has institutional staying-power, credibility, and authority.
Walter Brueggemann