A modern, harmonic and lively architecture is the visible sign of authentic democracy.
Walter GropiusHow can we expect our students to become bold and fearless in thought and action if we encase them in sentimental shrines feigning a culture which has long since disappeared?
Walter GropiusIf your contribution has been vital there will always be somebody to pick up where you left off, and that will be your claim to immortality.
Walter GropiusArchitects, painters, and sculptors must recognize anew and learn to grasp the composite character of a building both as an entity and in its separate parts. Only then will their work be imbued with the architectonic spirit which it has lost as salon art. Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.
Walter Gropius