A country survives its legislation. That truth should not comfort the conservative nor depress the radical. For it means that public policy can enlarge its scope and increase its audacity, can try big experiments without trembling too much over the result. This nation could enter upon the most radical experiments and could afford to fail in them.
Walter LippmannA man who has humility will have acquired in the last reaches of his beliefs the saving doubt of his own certainty.
Walter LippmannOnce you touch the biographies of human beings, the notion that political beliefs are logically determined collapses like a pricked balloon.
Walter LippmannOur conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience.
Walter LippmannSuccessful ... politicians are insecure and intimidated men. They advance politically only as they placate, appease, bribe, seduce, bamboozle or otherwise manage to manipulate the demanding and threatening elements in their constituencies.
Walter Lippmann