But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning.
Walter RaleighIt is observed in the course of worldly things, that men's fortunes are oftener made by their tongues than by their virtues; and more men's fortunes overthrown thereby than by vices.
Walter RaleighA man must first govern himself ere he is fit to govern a family; and his family ere he be fit to bear the government of the commonwealth.
Walter RaleighAll, or the greatest part of men that have aspired to riches or power, have attained thereunto either by force or fraud, and what they have by craft or cruelty gained, to cover the foulness of their fact, they call purchase, as a name more honest. Howsoever, he that for want of will or wit useth not those means, must rest in servitude and poverty.
Walter Raleigh