Grief is selfish. It is indulged in for self-gratification, not for love. Cosmic man knows the beauty and unreality of death.
Walter RussellThe electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.
Walter RussellYou can become a great creator or a little one as the intensity of your desire is little or great.
Walter RussellThe Life Triumphant is that which places what a man gives to the world in creative expression far ahead of that which he takes from it of the creations of others.
Walter RussellWhen it becomes a part of every man's thinking that a single thought can change the polarity of our entire body toward either life or death - and can likewise change its entire chemistry toward increasing alkalinity or acidity to strengthen it or weaken it - or can change the shape of every corpuscle of matter in the entire body in the direction of either growth or decay - then the medical profession will radically change both its principles and its practices with the ailment of bodies.
Walter Russell