It has been my fortune to love in general those men most who have thought most differently from me, on subjects wherein others pardon no discordance. I think I have no more right to be angry with a man, whose reason has followed up a process different from what mine has, and is satisfied with the result, than with one who has gone to Venice while I am at Siena, and who writes to me that he likes the place.
Walter Savage LandorMerit has rarely risen of itself, but a pebble or a twig is often quite sufficient for it to spring from to the highest ascent. There is usually some baseness before there is any elevation.
Walter Savage LandorFriendships are the purer and the more ardent, the nearer they come to the presence of God, the Sun not only of righteousness but of love.
Walter Savage LandorLittle men build up great ones, but the snow colossus soon melts; the good stand under the eye of God, and therefore stand.
Walter Savage LandorGod scatters beauty as he scatters flowers O'er the wide earth, and tells us all are ours. A hundred lights in every temple burn, And at each shrine I bend my knee in turn.
Walter Savage LandorHarmonious words render ordinary ideas acceptable; less ordinary, pleasant; novel and ingenious ones, delightful. As pictures and statues, and living beauty, too, show better by music-light, so is poetry irradiated, vivified, glorified', and raised into immortal life by harmony.
Walter Savage Landor