Teach him to live unto God and unto thee; and he will discover that women, like the plants in woods, derive their softness and tenderness from the shade.
Walter Savage LandorIf in argument we can make a man angry with us, we have drawn him from his vantage ground and overcome him.
Walter Savage LandorGreat men lose somewhat of their greatness by being near us; ordinary men gain much.
Walter Savage LandorMany love music but for music's sake, Many because her touches can awake Thoughts that repose within the breast half-dead, And rise to follow where she loves to lead. What various feelings come from days gone by! What tears from far-off sources dim the eye! Few, when light fingers with sweet voices play, And melodies swell, pause, and melt away, Mind how at every touch, at every tone, A spark of life hath glistened and hath gone.
Walter Savage Landor