The real fortunes in this country have been made by people who have been right about the business they invested in, and not right about the timing of the stock market.
Warren BuffettI bought my first stock in 1942, in the summer of '42. I was 11 years old. And so 75 years have gone by. And I have never known what the market's going to do the next day. And that's not my game. My game is to decide whether I'm in the right economy, which America's definitely been ever since that time. The Dow has gone from 100 to 21,000 during that time. And no matter what the headlines say, or terrible things are happening - we were losing the war in the Pacific when I first bought stocks.
Warren BuffettGreat investment opportunities come around when excellent companies are surrounded by unusual circumstances that cause the stock to be misappraised.
Warren BuffettThe rest of the world really likes our stuff pretty well. It's just we buy so damn much of what they produce.
Warren BuffettI have no use whatsoever for projections or forecasts. They create an illusion of apparent precision. The more meticulous they are, the more concerned you should be. We never look at projections, but we care very much about, and look very deeply at, track records. If a company has a lousy track record, but a very bright future, we will miss the opportunity.
Warren Buffett