You do not move ahead by constantly looking in a rear view mirror. The past is a rudder to guide you, not an anchor to drag you. We must learn from the past but not live in the past.
Warren W. WiersbeThe school of suffering never graduates any students, so ask God to teach to you the lessons He wants you to learn.
Warren W. WiersbeIf you look to others you will be distracted; if you look to yourselves you will be discouraged; but if you look to Christ you'll be delighted.
Warren W. WiersbeThe way we respond to criticism pretty much depends on the way we respond to praise. If praise humbles us, then criticism will build us up. But if praise inflates us, then criticism will crush us; and both responses lead to our defeat.
Warren W. WiersbeWe have little control over the circumstances of life. We can't control the weather or the economy, and we can't control what other people say about or do to us. There is only one area where we have control--we can rule the kingdom inside. The heart of every problem is the problem in the heart.
Warren W. Wiersbe