Gentle words, quiet words, are after all the most powerful words. They are more convincing, more compelling, more prevailing.
Washington GladdenChristian discipleship does not involve the abandonment of any innocent enjoyment. Any diversion or amusement which we can use so as to receive pleasure and enjoyment to ourselves, and do no harm to others, we are perfectly free to use.
Washington GladdenYou are not so good a Christian when you are neglecting a plain duty as when you are performing it. And joining the church is a plain duty for all who mean to be Christians.
Washington GladdenIt is better to say, "This one thing I do" than to say, "These forty things I dabble in."
Washington GladdenWhen any duty is to be done, it is fortunate for you if you feel like doing it; but, if you do not feel like it, that is no reason for not doing it.
Washington GladdenBut what an mortal man do to secure his own salvation?" Mortal man can do just what God bids him do. Be can repent and believe. He can arise and follow Christ as Matthew did.
Washington GladdenEvery one of us may know what is the ruling purpose of his life; and he who knows that his ruling purpose is to trust and follow Christ knows that he is a Christian.
Washington GladdenThe substance of all realities is in this religion of Jesus Christ; but it can be real only to those who will do His will.
Washington Gladden