He who thinks much says but little in proportion to his thoughts. He selects that language which will convey his ideas in the most explicit and direct manner. He tries to compress as much thought as possible into a few words. On the contrary, the man who talks everlastingly and promiscuously, who seems to have an exhaustless magazine of sound, crowds so many words into his thoughts that he always obscures, and very frequently conceals them.
Washington IrvingA father may turn his back on his child, … . but a mother's love endures through all.
Washington IrvingHe is the true enchanter, whose spell operates, not upon the senses, but upon the imagination and the heart.
Washington IrvingThe moan of the whip-poor-will from the hillside; the boding cry of the tree-toad, that harbinger of storm; the dreary hooting of the screechowl.
Washington Irving