The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul, so that it can weigh colours in its own scale and thus become a determinant in artistic creation.
Wassily KandinskyColors produce a spiritual vibration, the impression they create is important only as a step towards this vibration.
Wassily KandinskyEvery phenomenon can be experienced in two ways. These two ways are not arbitrary, but are bound up with the phenomenon – developing out of its nature and characteristics : Externally – or – inwardly.
Wassily KandinskyI applied streaks and blobs of colors onto the canvas with a palette knife, and I made them sing with all the intensity I could.
Wassily KandinskyThe true work of art is born from the 'artist': a mysterious, enigmatic, and mystical creation. It detaches itself from him, it acquires an autonomous life, becomes a personality, an independent subject, animated with a spiritual breath, the living subject of a real existence of being.
Wassily Kandinsky