To remove warfare from a spiritual life is to render it unspiritual. Life in the spirit is a suffering way, filled with watching and laboring, burdened by weariness and trial, punctuated by heartbreak and conflict. It is a life utterly outpoured for the kingdom of God and lived in complete disregard for one's personal happiness.
Watchman NeeTo secure one's freedom the Christian must experience God's light which is God's truth.
Watchman NeeChrist is the Son of God. He died to atone for men's sin, and after three days rose again. This is the most important fact in the universe. I die believing in Christ.
Watchman NeeWe must have a spirit of power towards the enemy, a spirit of love towards men, and a spirit of self-control towards ourselves.
Watchman NeeHenceforth we are dead to everything pertaining to ourselves and alive to His Spirit alone. This requires our exercising faith.
Watchman Nee