I get a lot of parents coming up to me, telling me they are grooming their kids to be professional athletes. I'm really against that. I think it's a great life, and yeah, you can lead them in that direction. I think a lot of parents live their lives through the kids. Because they didn't make it, they want their kids to make it. It puts a lot of undue pressure on the kids.
Wayne GretzkyWe played in an era where you were taught to hate your opponent. But life changes. I raise my kids differently than my mom and dad raised their kids.
Wayne GretzkyBut in my mind, I don't think there's any question Sidney Crosby is the best all-around player in the game. His hockey sense is so strong and so solid, combined with his God-gifted talent of being able to see the ice, see the entire picture in front of him. And, most importantly, I don't care how good you are, if you don't have a work ethic, it doesn't matter. There's no question that each and every game, he's one of the hardest-working guys on the ice. In my mind, he's the best player in the game today.
Wayne GretzkyThat's the hardest part of this whole process. The best part is picking the players and the worst part is telling basically five players they are not going to play tonight.
Wayne GretzkyYou know, I've held women and babies and jewels and money, but nothing will ever feel as good as holding that Cup.
Wayne GretzkyLook at guys like Larry Bird and George Brett and John McEnroe; that's what they did in their careers. They all wanted to be the guy under the microscope late in the game or late in the match. So you just take on that know-how that that's part of your responsibility, and you learn that's what makes it exciting. That's what makes it fun!
Wayne Gretzky