I had to learn to do stuff only for myself, and stop thinking about pleasing some imaginary client or boss. It's a habit that many artists get into that have worked in commercial ventures.
Wayne WhiteExposing something that's painful or raw or not so pleasant. That seems to be the dramatic motor of documentaries, exposure.
Wayne WhiteI practice the artist's golden rule. I wouldn't want somebody telling me how to finish my painting, I'm not going to tell him how to finish his movie or how to shape his movie.
Wayne WhiteWhen I perform I'm very extroverted and I wear my heart on my sleeve and some people don't like that. They're embarrassed for me.
Wayne WhiteI become exaggerated, and loud, and obnoxious, and full of the spirit of improvisation. That's one of the weird things about performing, I think that any performer will say the same thing when you're on stage in front of a crowd there's a certain moment when you kind of click into a trance-like state and you just kind of go with it. I love getting into that mode. It's transcendental.
Wayne White