The shoddy work of despair, the pointless work of pride, equally betray Creation. They are wastes of life.
Wendell BerryThe river is of the earth and it is free. It is rigorously embanked and bound, and yet it is free. To hell with restraint, it says, I have got to be going. It will grind out its dams. It will go over or around them. They will become pieces.
Wendell BerryThe connections between people and land are dangerously oversimplified and mainly technological.
Wendell BerryGeese appear high over us, / pass, and the sky closes. Abandon, / as in love or sleep, holds them to their way, clear / in the ancient faith: what we need / is here. And we pray, not / for new earth or heaven, but to be / quiet in heart, and in eye, / clear. What we need is here.
Wendell Berry